George Wythe Recreation Association Rules of Operation
The pool is for the exclusive use of GWRA members, their guests and board approved activities that promote the GWRA, our neighborhood, and the City of Hampton.
Pool users that repeatedly violate pool rules and disregard the directions of the lifeguard(s) may be banned from GWRA property upon determination by the Board.
Swimmers may only use the pool during posted operating hours when lifeguards are on duty. Members and guests must leave pool property as expeditiously as possible once closing is announced by the lifeguard(s) on duty.
All members shall sign in at the Gate House each day indicating last name and home phone to match information follow on membership application.
Members may sponsor guests at the applicable rate. Guests must be accompanied by a member during their entire visit to pool. Each member may not have more than 5 guests at any one time. Individual guests may visit a maximum of 5 times a year.
Lifeguards and staff members are here for your safety and must be obeyed at all time.
Short Blast - unsafe behavior
Short Blasts - lifeguard signal to each other
Short Blasts - Emergency Blasts for help
Under threatening weather conditions, the pool area will be cleared for at least 30 minutes. If conditions persist, the facility will close until safe conditions return.
Children 9 & under will not be admitted without a responsible person age 15 or older and should be accompanied by a responsible person age 15 or older while in the pool area.
All persons in the pool area who are not strong swimmers should be under the direct supervision of a responsible person who has sufficient swimming ability and is of sufficient maturity and size to provide swimming assistance at all times. If potential safety issues are noted by staff due to lack of appropriate supervision, staff may take measures as necessary to address the safety issue including requiring a person to discontinue use of the pool facility unless appropriate supervision is obtained.
Only one person is permitted on the diving board at a time. No swimming in the diving area.
Diving is only permitted in dive well and off of the dive board. Only one bounce is permitted before going off the board.
Designated lap lanes are for lap swimmers only. Hanging on lane lines is not permitted.
Kickboards are for use in lap lanes only. “Noodles” are not permitted in lap lanes.
Dive blocks are for swim team use only.
Rafts, tubes, or any other recreational flotation devices are not permitted in the diving well.
Appropriate swim attire must be worn while in the pool, street clothing is not permitted while swimming.
In supporting our family values as family friendly Club will not permit thong bikinis or swimsuits
Persons who are incontinent or not fully potty trained must wear rubber or plastic pants to enter the pool. Swim diapers are acceptable.
Running, pushing, abusive language and horseplay will not be tolerated.
No glass containers of any kind are allowed at pool facilities. Members are welcome to bring refreshments in non-breakable containers.
Only authorized personnel are allowed in Guard Room/Guard House.
Pool toys may be used provided their use does not create an unsafe situation or threaten the safety and/or enjoyment of the pool by other pool users.
Rafts shall be kept a safe distance from the side of the pool.
No hanging from or sitting on the safety ropes.​
GWRA is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
Members may rent the pool for private parties after/before hours at the applicable rate. The sponsoring member is responsible for the behavior of all party guests. The party may be suspended by the lifeguard(s) on duty if pool rules are violated or if necessary to protect the health and wellbeing of all pool users.
Non-member rental shall be board approved and must promote GWRA, the neighborhood and/or the City of Hampton. Approval of such requests is at the sole discretion of the Board.